Monday 27 January 2014

P4 - Wed 29 Jan 2014

Primary 4D and 4H Homework due 4.2.14
Remember all homework is given out on a Wednesday and due in on the following Tuesday.

Please see your reading record for the pages you are being asked to read this week.
Your task this week is 'Question Writer'. Write down 5 HOT questions which you could ask the character from the book you are reading. Remember a HOT question is a question which does not have a yes/no answer - also the answer should be more than a one word answer.
You have been provided with a sheet to do your questions on.
You have a list of  words to learn this week.  - 
To practise your words you can either use the various activities on spelling city or if you do not have access to this website then write a super sentence for each spelling word. (Think carefully about your opener, wow word, connective and correct punctuation).

Group X can find their 'l'  silent letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group Y can find their 'scr'  starting letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group Z can find their useful spelling words starting with 'a' at - Click-here 

Personal Spelling words - Click-here - 'im' start letter pattern - also you should find the meanings of the words

You also have two personal enemy words to learn.

'Subtraction Activity'.

Tricky triangle subtraction. Teach a parent how to create a subtraction tricky triangle.

Health & Well Being

Creating Confident Children - Resilience2
Feeling Good about yourself and others
During assembly and newdesk you have been thinking about the importance of feeling good about yourself and ensuring others feel good about themselves. You are creating a 'positive world' to live in.

To help you understand about feeling good and helping others feel good you have been learning about being good 'bucket fillers'. Everyone carries an invisible bucket that holds our good thoughts and feelings. When our buckets are full, we feel happy and when our buckets are empty, we feel sad.

You have been provided with a sheet, which you should share with a parent or carer and discuss how you could fill your parents, friends or teachers bucket. Write your ideas on the first bucket on the sheet.
Also you should think about ways you might dip into each other's buckets. Share your ideas on the second bucket on the sheet.

You need to return this work to school as we need to share these in class.

Sunday 19 January 2014

P4 - Wed 22 Jan 2014

Primary 4D and 4H Homework due 28.1.14
Remember all homework is given out on a Wednesday and due in on the following Tuesday.

Please see your reading record for the pages you are being asked to read this week.
Your task this week is 'Predictor'. Based on a variety of clues - using the book cover (both front & back) and as you read the book, you should predict 4 events which you think will happen in the story. As you read the book you should update your prediction.
For example:
  • If you have been asked to read the complete book this week for homework, you should predict what will happen at the start and 3 other times as you read the book.
  • If you have been asked to read only part of the book this week (eg up to chapter ?), then predict what will happen at the start of the book and then again another 3 times - maybe at the end of some of the chapters.
You should create a detailed sentence for each prediction. Remember you need to say what clues you have used to help you create your prediction; think of the actions of the characters, the structure of the story - a problem and then solving the problem etc.
You have been provided with a sheet to do your predictions on.
You have a list of  words to learn this week.  - 
To practise your words you can either use the various activities on spelling city or if you do not have access to this website then, "scramble spell" - (mix up the letters from the word then sort them to make the word).

Group X can find their 'k' & ' w' silent letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group Y can find their 'ed'  various ending letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group Z can find their 'ow' letter pattern words at - Click-here 

Personal Spelling words - Click-here - 'for' & 'fore' start letter pattern - also you should find the meanings of the words

You also have two personal enemy words to learn.

'Subtraction Activity'.

You should explain to an adult (parent, grand parent etc) 3 top tips to help with subtraction - you could explain this on a poster. Think how you would explain subtraction to an alien.
 If you can think of more than 3 tips then add those. 
Explain how this is tackled using partitioning (Your parents may not be familiar with this - it shows what is really happening in the calculation compared to the 'formal' method).

Practise your subtraction skills by looking for numbers in the everyday world and subtracting one from the other. (Make sure if your numbers are in the same units - for example all money in pence, all weights in grams etc).

You could use phone numbers as they can be made as big as you want to practise. You may need to adjust the numbers slightly so that you always start your subtraction from the biggest number (whoops! is that a top tip?)

Health & Well Being
Take 3 pictures of yourself showing different emotions (if you cannot print your photos, then draw 3 portrait pictures of yourself with different emotions).
Label the pictures with the emotion they show - use a thesaurus to up level the emotion.

For example:

Happy = pleased, joyful, cheerful

Monday 13 January 2014

P4 - Wed 15 Jan 2014

Primary 4D and 4H Homework due 15.1.14
Remember all homework is given out on a Wednesday and due in on the following Tuesday. 'Normal' homework will resume on the 22/1/14.

Reading / Assembly Preparation

This is the SECOND week of your homework to help prepare for the assembly on the 24th January. Our focus must be on ensuring that we are fully prepared.

Everyone will have been provided with a script (even if you do not have a speaking part)
Your task is to read the assembly script and prepare yourself for the part you have been given. Remember to add expression and a loud voice.

 Your target is to
  •  know the script by heart and
  • know the songs - this task is particularly important for those who have been allocated small / non speaking parts.
There are 2 songs to learn

'Just like a Roman' which can be found by Clicking here. The lyrics are also available here.

'Hadrian's Wall' - which can be found bu Clicking here. The lyrics are also available here.

All pupils are expected to be familiar with the script and should read the complete script as their reading homework.Could parents either sign the script or reading diary to indicate the script has been read.

Costumes for Assembly
We hope the creation of costumes is going well.
Notes from last week:
To help the children 'get into role' we would like them to source their own costume for the assembly - this will help make it a truly memorable experience.

All the children have been allocated a part and so a costume appropriate to that role is required.
Please make use of material / items / clothes you already have - similar to the approach used for the wonderful costumes previously created for the toys which were 'dressed like a roman' last term. (We would prefer that clothes etc are recycled rather than purchasing something for the assembly). For many a simple toga tied on with a belt should be suffice.

If you have any items which may be helpful for others to use then please bring them into school.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

P4 - Wed 8 Jan 2014


Welcome back - we hope you had a great holiday and are refreshed, ready to take on the challenges we have planned for 2014.

We have been really pleased by the excellent work you have completed over the holiday period. You have discovered some wonderful examples of Roman columns which can be found in Edinburgh.

We plan to share your work with the rest of the school during our assembly next week.

Homework over the next two weeks will be rather unusual as Primary 4 have responsibility for the assembly on the 24th January so all focus must be on ensuring that we are fully prepared.
Your task is to read the assembly script and prepare yourself for the part you have been given. Remember to add expression and a loud voice.

 Your target is to
  •  know the script by heart and
  • know the songs - this task is particularly important for those who have been allocated small / non speaking parts.
There are 2 songs to learn

'Just like a Roman' which can be found by Clicking here. The lyrics are also available here.

'Hadrian's Wall' - which can be found bu Clicking here. The lyrics are also available here.

Costumes for Assembly

To help the children 'get into role' we would like them to source their own costume for the assembly - this will help make it a truly memorable experience.

All the children have been allocated a part and so a costume appropriate to that role is required.
Please make use of material / items / clothes you already have - similar to the approach used for the wonderful costumes previously created for the toys which were 'dressed like a roman' last term. (We would prefer that clothes etc are recycled rather than purchasing something for the assembly). For many a simple toga tied on with a belt should be suffice.

If you have any items which may be helpful for others to use then please bring them into school.