Monday 21 October 2013

P4 - Wed 23 Oct 2013

Primary 4D and 4H Homework due 29.10.13
Remember all homework is given out on a Wednesday and due in on the following Tuesday.

Please see your reading record for the pages you are being asked to read this week.
Your task this week is 'Question Writer'. Write down 5 HOT questions which you could ask the character from the book you are reading. Remember a HOT question is a question which does not have a yes/no answer - also the answer should be more than a one word answer.
You have been provided with a sheet to do your questions on.
You have a list of  words to learn this week.  - 
To practise your words you can either use the various activities on spelling city or if you do not have access to this website write down the letters used in the word all scrambled up and then unscramble them to spell the word correctly.

Group Z can find their 'Money Week' words at - Click-here
Group Y & X can find their 'Money Week' words at - Click-here

Personal Spelling words - Click-here - also you should find the meanings of the words

You also have one personal enemy word to learn.

'Rounding Activity'.

In class we have been working on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.
Click on the link below to play the activity to review the work you did before the holiday. You can use a variety of activities - start with 'TU-nearest 10' and see if you can work down the list - how far can you get?.
Click here
The game is called 'Dartboard Rounding' on Top Marks

ECO Project - Bug Hotel
This is a 2 week project - this is the first week with completion due for the 6 Nov.

The ECO Committee are running a competition to design a bug hotel. We would like all Primary 4 pupils to enter the competition.

Your design should be interesting and attractive. Designs should be labelled and indicate the recycled materials that we would use if your design is successful.
The best bug hotels have lots of small spaces in different shapes and sizes and made from different materials. Ideally some should be nice and dry inside, and others a bit dampish. Bug hotels are generally made from reclaimed materials, or natural objects, which reduces cost, helps them blend in with their surroundings and is probably more attractive to the mini-beast guests.

All competition entries will be collected by class Eco representatives. Closing date for all entries is Wednesday 20th November 2013. The winning entries will be announced at assembly on Friday 22nd November 2013.


To help you with your design - follow the link - 'Making a Bug Hotel'

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