Sunday 27 October 2013

P4 - Wed 30 Oct 2013

Primary 4D and 4H Homework due 5.11.13
Remember all homework is given out on a Wednesday and due in on the following Tuesday.

Please see your reading record for the pages you are being asked to read this week.
Your task this week is 'Word Wizard'. You should find 8 interesting words from the pages you are reading for this week's homework. You should complete the sheet provided, importantly adding the page number and then using a dictionary (either hard copy or online) to find the meaning of the interesting word.
You have a list of  words to learn this week.  - 
To practise your words you can either use the various activities on spelling city or if you do not have access to this website write down the words using the hand you do not normally write with. (For example: if you are left-handed write your words with the right hand).

Group Z can find their 'ur' letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group Y can find their 'y'  ending letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group X can find their 'spr' starting letter pattern words at - Click-here 

Personal Spelling words - Click-here - also you should find the meanings of the words

You also have one personal enemy word to learn.

'Money Activity'.

Last week was 'Money Week' when you worked with BIG Money, planning a holiday. For homework we want you to think about smaller money, less than £1 and if you are up to the challenge do activities which have more than £1.

You should do at least 2 of the following Top Marks activities.

'How Much Left' - where you work out what you have purchased based on the amount of change you have.  - Click here
'Check-out Challenge' - where you work out what coins to use as change (Note - there are 4 levels, change from £1, £10, £50 & £500).  - Click here

'Going Shopping Problem Solving' - where you work out how much to pay for your items - remember just like real shopping your basket can have more than one item.  - Click here

Shopping Task - Note down the price of items during a shopping trip:
  • estimate the total cost and
  • calculate the total cost using a calculator and/or a mental addition strategy.

ECO Project - Bug Hotel
This is a 2 week project - this is the second week of this project with completion due for the 6 Nov.

Look at last weeks blog for details. Click-here

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