Monday 4 November 2013

P4 - Wed 6 Nov 2013

Primary 4D and 4H Homework due 12.11.13
Remember all homework is given out on a Wednesday and due in on the following Tuesday.

Please see your reading record for the pages you are being asked to read this week.
Your task this week is 'Summariser'. You should write a summary of the story so far -
Focus on:
  • The main points of the story - setting, plot
  • The main characters - actions, thoughts
  • Give information on - When, Who, Why, Where
Make your summary interesting to read using powerful VCOP techniques:
  • Victorious Vocabulary
  • Outstanding Openers
  • Champion Connectives
  • Perfect Punctuation
You have a list of  words to learn this week.  - 
To practise your words you can either use the various activities on spelling city or if you do not have access to this website play tennis with your word. Player 1 says the first letter, Player 2 says the second letter back, Player 1 says the third letter, etc..

Group Z can find their 'our' letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group Y can find their 'ing'  (easy) ending letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group X can find their 'spl' starting letter pattern words at - Click-here 

Personal Spelling words - Click-here - also you should find the meanings of the words

You also have one personal enemy word to learn.

'Shape Activity'.

Bring in a photograph of a 3D shape from the environment detailing how many;
  • faces
  • edges &
  • vertices it has. (Remember each point where edges meet is called a vertex, but the plural (more than 1) for vertex is vertices.
We would like to display these photos so label them with your name, shape name and its properties.

Some example shapes can be found on the YouTube clip - Click-here

Creating Confident Children - Resilience 1
During assembly and newdesk you have been thinking about what helps you to 'bounce back' when things get hard - to be resilient.

You have been provided with a sheet, which you should share with a parent or carer and discuss people who have demonstrated a special quality of resilience to you - maybe a family member or someone well known.

You should draw a picture or stick a picture of the person on the sheet and explain why you have selected them.

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