Sunday 11 May 2014

P4 - Wed 14 May 2014

Primary 4D and 4H Homework due 20.5.14
Remember all homework is given out on a Wednesday and due in on the following Tuesday.


Please see your reading record for the pages you are being asked to read this week.
Your task this week is 'Question Writer'. Write down 5 HOT questions which you could ask about the character, setting or plot from the book you are reading. Remember a HOT question is a question which does not have a yes/no answer - also the answer should be more than a one word answer.
You have been provided with a sheet to do your questions on.

Why ? - is often a good word to use at the start of your question.
You have a list of  words to learn this week.  - 
To practise your words you can either use the various activities on spelling city or you can select from the large list found by clicking-here.
Group X can find their 'et' ending letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group Y can find their 'shr' and 'thr' starting letter pattern words at - Click-here
Group Z can find their useful spelling words starting with 'd' at - Click-here 

Personal Spelling words - Click-here - 'pre' starting letter pattern - also you should find the meanings of the words


'Right Angle Activity'

Following on from the work you did outside on Friday where you hunted down right angles in the outside world, you should look for right angles in shapes at home using a right angle checker to help.
Bring a list into class of where you found your right angles.

You may spot that the hands on the clock will make a right angle at certain times of the day. As an extra challenge try and work out how many times in twelve hours the clock hands form a right angle - Click-here for an on-line activity to help.

How many times in twelve hours do the hands of a clock form a right angle? 

Titanic Project - Model of inside of ship
This is a 2 week project - this is the first week with completion due for the 27 May.

As part of our investigation into the Titanic we have created a large replica of the ship on the wall. We know need to think about what it looked like inside.

You should create a model of the living quarters on the Titanic.

It would be great if you could create your model based on the area you are investigating in class, ie this will mean we will have a selection of models created for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class passengers as well as for the crew.

Your model should be about the size of a shoebox.

Some examples (mainly for 1st class) can be found at - Click-here

We would like to use these models in animations we plan to do later in the term.

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